I love this so much TuT, Perfection, of course Chiaki and I would spend Christmas time in Zelda's Universe, Link knows how to make pizza!
I love this so much TuT, Perfection, of course Chiaki and I would spend Christmas time in Zelda's Universe, Link knows how to make pizza!
Wait he d o e s?
Every time you make one of these amazing mugen stages I get burning desires to get back into mugen. Great job as always!
Not at all. It's good to hang out with good Mugen community that are positive though.
Wonderful job, Starlo is my favorite UY character! Everything about him clicked so well!
Thanks for having me! Loved these things. Tons of extra cool art here, excellent job everyone. Next NG meet up ya'all should play some Gogo's matches, that would be rad and funny.
I love how your art keeps going and going, it feels so alive, not even mentioning this is another gigant crossover piece, love to see it! I can stare for hours and still find something new, great job as always!
Oh thanks.
Absolutely crazy, i love crossovers, amazing cameos, spectacular work!
Multiverse is what makes thing interesting.
You did got the Frontpage!! yeah!! great work!
couldn't have done it without you!
THANK YOU SO MUCH, I LOVE THIS!! You did great!!
THANK YOU!!! I had fun drawing this, Happy New Years!!
A little guy who loves video games, likes to create things, be part of fun stuff, and inspire people
The Multiverse
Joined on 12/3/20